The Most Common 1031 Exchange Mistakes Investors Make
Avoid these mistakes in order to successfully file a 1031 Exchange, benefit from the advantages it provides, and retain filing consistency with the IRS.
Avoid these mistakes in order to successfully file a 1031 Exchange, benefit from the advantages it provides, and retain filing consistency with the IRS.
Learn how to leverage a 1031 Exchange to save over 35% on your next property sale/acquisition.
Use our 1031 Document Checklist to ensure that your 1031 Exchange isn’t missing critical documentation.
Use our 1031 Exchange Qualification checklist to determine whether your property qualifies for exemption from capital gains tax.
Use this list to identify which 1031 Exchange type best fits your real estate investment portfolio and strategy.
Learn how a 1031 Exchange protects your assets and fortifies the security of your real estate investment holdings.