Reinvest Your Equity Smarter.

Use our Exchange Evaluator to find out how much more money you could be making with your real estate portfolio.

How much more will you make leveraging into a larger property using an exchange?

Current Property Information

Current Property Results

Initial Purchase Price
Existing Equity
Estimated Value
Annual Net Operating Income
Appreciation After 5 Years
Income After 5 Years

Overall return of current property after 5 years

How much more will you make leveraging into a larger property using an exchange?

New Property Information

New Property Results

Down Payment
Annual Net Operating Income
Value of Larger Property
Appreciation of 2nd Property after 5 years
Income after 5 years
Overall return of new property after 5 years
Return if you keep your property

Value of Exchange

*Appreciation rate assumed is @ 3% per year. Amount reflects appreciation over that of your existing 1 ml property. Remember the exchange lets you avoid the tax and therefore transfer all your equity into a better property. This choice has a better overall return due to more appreciation since you are leveraging into a more expensive property that will appreciate more based on the higher sales price.

**Your Tax will vary depending on your tax basis on the property you currently own

Schedule a Consultation

Meet with our legally equipped 1031 Exchange experts to discover how to save 35% (or more) in taxes on the sale of your property.